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Mold Removal in Golden Gate Heights, California

Got Mold?

Mold infestations can come on in a moment’s notice, stemming from a source of moisture and spreading through your home in as little as 72 hours. Aside from the unsightly growths racing across your Golden Gate Heights homes walls, ceilings, floors, furniture, and anything else that it can adhere to in a microscopic land grab, mold produces a potential health risk to anyone that may step foot into your home or place of business.

If you do in fact have mold, our technicians at RUSH PLUMBING & ROOTER have the expertise, training, and appropriate tools to remedy your mold infestation.

Call us now to schedule your free in-home consultation and estimate. Our courteous and highly qualified technicians will locate the source of the mold infestation and remedy the moisture issue in addition to removing every last bit of mold from your home. It is imperative that a trained professional perform this type of work on your home, and RUSH PLUMBING & ROOTER is licensed and bonded to successfully complete the project the right way, the first time.

Mold Removal in Golden Gate Heights, California

What is Mold in Golden Gate Heights?

Mold is a living organism, if not irradiated from your home or the source of the moisture left unabated, it is going to grow back. Put your trust in a company that employs the same amount of thoroughness in each and every one of our jobs that we would expect in our own homes.

Time is not on your side concerning the issue of mold infestation. Every second that tics away from the clock is another expansion project planned in the little mold metropolis springing up in that pile of wet bath towels. At RUSH PLUMBING & ROOTING, our goal is simple and one that you can get behind too, we want to get you back to normal as quickly as possible. The only way that we have been able to do so is on the backs of our responsive, knowledgeable, technicians. With little time to waste in the removal of mold from your home why risk your potential for health risk with less qualified companies?

From the moment that we receive your phone call, our team is in action preparing everything needed to complete your mold removal project, from the precautionary safety equipment to the extra thick plastic trash bags that will be used to haul away contaminated debris. Once we are on site to begin a project, we don’t leave unless we have every last trace of your homes mold infestation in hand.

Our team is comprised of some of the brightest and most talented in the industry, eager to take on projects both great and small. Let our team do away with your intrusive mold situation so that you can get back to normal.

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